The Answer Man

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Take the last paragraph of my last post and throw it out the window. This man is actually insane and deserves no pity at all. In case you missed his eventful press conference, here's basic summary of an odd array of facts.

Ownes states that he did not take 35 pills, but instead decided he need to separate the pills from a bottle by putting them in a drawer instead. He left the empty bottle on the counter.

After seeing this empty bottle on the counter, his publicist, Kim Etheredge, asks T.O. if he took all the pills, but T.O. is unresponsive because of an apparent allergic reaction to a few of these pills.

Owens says he does not remember most of the night because he was incoherent and never even remembers the police being there. Therefore he says his suicide admission was false.

Etheredge then states that it was a long night and she forgot many of the details. She also says she was mistaken about the whole thing and got up and left. Before she leaves though, she gives us the comment, "Terrell has 25 million reasons to be alive."

The most entertaining press conference of the day was coach Bill Parcells'. To sum it up most simply, reporters asked him questions while he yelled to them he doesn't know anything.

The whole story sounds a bit sketchy, but there's no reason not to take Owens word for it. The whole suicide attempt does seem unlikely for a player of his stature. T.O. will be looking forward to a week five matchup in Philadelphia where he will be greeted by flying pill bottles and signs that say, "Dallas Sux, T.O. Swallows.....Pills." Good Luck.


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